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5 Free Apps to Organize an Efficient Carpool
A carpool is a good way for busy families to help one another save time and fuel. Can you rideshare with another family? Do you need to arrange an after-school ride for your child? What about carpooling to get to work? Planning around schedules and availability can be both difficult and stressful.
Relax, there's an app for that. We've listed five of them to get you started on the road to carpooling.
This app is designed specifically for students who carpool to school. Find out who lives near you and invite them to form a carpool group. You can add members of your group manually or import them from your contacts. The app lets you manually create a schedule, or it will automatically generate one based on the driver's preferences; for example, if one person likes to drop off in the morning, or prefers pick-up. If you have a note or update for the group, you can add it in and everyone will be notified. Particularly useful, you can also email the carpool schedule to those members who don't have an iOS device, so they can view it on their computers and print it. Price: Free for iOS devices
2. KarPooler
As if picking up kids on time isn’t stressful enough, traffic pileups and weather changes can cause unforeseen delays. KarPooler helps you manage your communications with the kids in the carpool and with the other adults, in case you need an assist. With one button, KarPooler lets you text all adults linked to the kids in the carpool. It’s great for scheduling, but even more useful for those last-minute emergencies.
The app also lets you send a text to all the kids, should you need to change the pick-up location, say from outdoors to a safer location in bad weather. The driver can use the DropCheck feature, which notifies each adult via text that their child has been safely dropped off at school or home, a great tool for working parents who want a little additional peace-of-mind. Price: Free for iOS devices
3. Car Pool Party
Car Pool Party was designed to take the stress out of creating and managing a carpool. The app will look at the participants and the past history (if there is one) and determine who drives and when. It also creates a schedule to help you keep track of your turn at the wheel.
There’s plenty of room for flexibility—you can enter drivers or change dates manually. Not sure when you drove last? Tap to bring up the carpool history. Price: Free for iOS devices
4. Cozi
Cozi is a free online organizer and mobile app. Busy parents love it because it lets them create shared calendars jam-packed with info. Especially helpful, you can assign each family member a color code.
Cozi is a great way to keep track of your carpool. You can make a calendar of driving assignments and view it from any computer or mobile phone. You can also share the calendar with the parents in the carpool, and it will sync to their personal calendars. Price: Free for iOS and Android devices
5. Looptivity
You have one set of contacts for work, another for your book group and a third for your kids’ school friends. What a mess! Looptivity helps keep all that in one place by organizing your communications around your various activities.
Create a carpool loop to make sure you’re always able to reach everyone when you need them, whether it’s from a computer or a mobile phone. Price: Free for iOS devices