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Volunteer Opportunities




Volunteer Opportunities Available

 Teacher Dinners: (Eastgate, Prickly Pear, Radley & EVMS) 

Eastgate School Representatives: Kendall Hull & Tori Walker
Prickly Pear School Representatives: Ariel Simon & Kellie Dold
Radley School Representatives: Tiffany Burckhard, Heather Lay & Erica Romero
East Valley Middle School Representatives: Trish Klock & Amanie McDaniels
PTO provides dinner for staff at each school on the night of teacher conferences in November and February.  Volunteers coordinate the family contribution sign up for main dishes, salads and desserts for teachers to enjoy. 

 Teacher/Staff Appreciation: (Eastgate, Prickly Pear, Radley, EVMS) 
Hands Down

Jeri Lyn Traynham, Mary Smith, Shasta Steinweden, Erin Karlin
PTO celebrates staff appreciation week in May as well as throughout the year to show our thanks for the wonderful people who make our schools great! 
Step it Up PTO Fundraiser: (Eastgate, Prickly Pear, Radley, EVMS) 
Shandi Hayes, Mary Smith
September marks the kick-off for the one fundraiser PTO sponsors each year, through Step it Up. The fundraiser promotes Good Vibes and High Fives by encouraging and rewarding the students acts of kindness for their friends, family, community and themselves. All money raised is used for all school, staff and student needs. (Pre-K-8)

 Gift Giving Tree: (Eastgate, Prickly Pear, Radley, EVMS) 
Giving Tree

Mindy Schubert 
PTO sponsors a giving tree at each school during the holiday season.  Volunteers decorate the trees with gift tags for children in need and collect donated gifts for designated families to spread holiday cheer.

Kids Heart Challenge: (Prickly Pear) 
Mary Smith   
PTO provides snacks for students.  Volunteers are needed to assemble snack bags.

Family Fun Event: (Community Event)  - currently do not offer due to a shortage of volunteers
Position Vacant!  Coordinator Needed!
Costume Exchange and October Fest?  If enough volunteer support is available to make it happen, PTO would like to organize an annual community family fun event.  Volunteers are needed to plan events, set up, take admission, run activites and concessions, and clean up.  PTO organized events in the past included: Family Movie Night, Bingo Night, Costume Exchange and a Halloween event with games and prizes. Would love to have a Spring event to break up the long winter Montana months. 
 Radley Celebration:
May need a volunteer if school needs help. Currently vacant. 
PTO will help with assigned duties(May/June).
 PTO Sponsored Movie Night: (Community Event) 
Movie Night

Shasta Steinweden & 1 more volunteer needed
PTO hosts a Movie Night in the gym of one of our schools during the Spring.  A family friendly movie is played on the projector.  PTO provides popcorn, water, and other snacks.  Attendees wear their jammies, bring pillows and relax while watching a movie. 
If you would like to volunteer for any of these, please contact the PTO coordinator or any of the PTO Officers.