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East Helena Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The purpose of the East Helena PTO is to support the education of children at the East Helena Public Schools by fostering relationships among the school, parents, teachers and our community.  PTO consists of a group of involved individuals who volunteer their time to make our excellent schools even better!
Meetings are held throughout the school year on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the EVMS Library. We welcome and encourage all teachers, staff, parents, stepparents, guardians and grandparents to attend meetings.  Meeting dates and times are posted on the district calendar and also the PTO calendar.
Attending the meetings is a great way to hear first hand what is happening at each school.  Principals attend almost every meeting and provide an update of what activities are going on at each school.  In addition to the principal updates, each PTO coordinator discusses their projects and volunteer opportunities coming up.
One way to become involved is to sign up as a Volunteer. 
PTO Activities and Events include:

*Teacher Grants

*Teacher/Staff Appreciation

*PTO Spring Movie Night

*Field/Fun Days

**Teacher Conference Dinners

*Holiday Gift Giving Tree

*Annual Fundraiser

*School representatives

*8th Grade window painting 

*Student Appreciation (New)

   Link to our EHPTO Bylaws - Revised 08/06/2016 


For more information on Parent Teacher Organizations, visit PTO Today