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The EHPS Community Garden

 EHPS Community Garden
Located South of the
East Valley Middle School
garden gate
Stephanie Metzger
Grass divider
General Information*:

~Plots are approximately 22 x 10

~You may have more than one plot, if available

~Water sprinklers are hooked up and set up on a timer
~ Please trasport weeds and refuse to the city provided dumpster outside the gate.
~ You may add low fencing around your plot.
~ Please help keep weeds down by pulling a few up in vacant plots.   
Added Information:  
~Plots will be marked off on ____, and then planting can start when you want after that.  
~The sprinklers will be set on an automatic timer and I will adjust them accordingly.  Please contact me if you don't think your plot is getting enough water.  I will have each plot marked with your name.  
~There is also a spigot available for water cans and a temporary hose if needed.  Please do not leave your hoses on the gardens if you use them.  
~Please keep the garden perimeter free of accumlated equipment.  We are hoping to keep the area weeded this year.  Please haul your own trash and weeds.
~Take the time to introduce yourself to other gardeners - that way we get to know and recognize each other.  
~The gate is unlocked now, but after ___ please lock it when you leave, even if someone else left it open - accidents happen, but we need to watch out for each other.   If it's close to night, please be extra careful to remember to lock it up.
*Please check back for more information - to be added later 
Garden and bee








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