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East Helena Public Schools                         4010

 School/Community Relations

              Use of School Facilities

The Board wishes to make school facilities available to responsible community organizations, associations, and individuals for appropriate civic, cultural, welfare, educational, or recreational activities which do not interfere with the delivery of education and the best interests of the District.  The Board recognizes the investment that the community has made in the District buildings and facilities and wishes for such buildings and facilities to be temporarily used under such provisions and control as the District may see necessary to impose.  To the greatest extent possible, District facilities should be used by citizens of the community, so long as the educational programs of the District are not hindered. 

The Superintendent will develop procedures to manage community use of school facilities, which will be reviewed and approved by the Board.  Use of school facilities requires the Superintendent's approval and is subject to the procedures established by the Superintendent. 

Legal References:       § 20-7-805, MCA       Recreational use of school facilities secondary

§ 20-6-602, MCA       Trustee’s power over property

Cross References:

Policy History:

Adopted on: 8/13/2007