Superintendent Updates
Dear EHPS Parents,
Here’s your update from Superintendent Rispens.
Help (STILL) Wanted!!!!!
The East Helena Public Schools is a great place to work! Our employees have the incredible honor of working to create a positive environment for the children of East Helena to develop their full potential. We are always looking for good people to come and help kids succeed. Right now we have openings for:
- classroom paraprofessionals,
- kitchen help (Food Service),
- substitutes, and
- custodians.
Even if you cannot commit to a full schedule, we want to talk to you if you’re interested in helping out. Stop by Central Office or give us a call at 406-227-7700 for more information. You can find our application materials online at:
CONGRATS Mrs. Warner!!!!!
I want to extend a heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS this week to Mrs. Warner, Eastgate Teacher. Mrs. Warner was recently recognized as a winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. This very prestigious recognition is rare, and we are fortunate to have a dedicated professional such as Mrs. Warner on our staff in East Helena. Mrs. Warner will receive an award from the National Science Foundation as part of her recognition, and will also receive a trip to Washington DC to attend an awards ceremony! A neat side note is that Mrs. Warner’s husband, Jake Warner, a teacher at Capital High School in Helena is also a Presidential Award winner this year. Jake is also a former student of mine! Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Warner!
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) information
We have been notified by Lewis and Clark Public Health that pertussis has been identified in our schools. Public health and school officials are working together to protect public health and safety. We have been asked to share the following information with parents:
- It is not necessary to seek testing if you do not have symptoms. Please speak to a public health nurse with questions about when to be tested or treated.
- Pertussis (also known as Whooping Cough) is a contagious disease caused by bacteria. Symptoms may be like the common cold, but unlike a cold, the coughing can last for weeks or months.
- Pertussis spreads easily from person to person through the air. When a person who has whooping cough sneezes or coughs, they can release small particles with the bacteria in them. Other people then breathe in the bacteria. It also spreads when you spend a lot of time together or share breathing space, like when holding a newborn to your chest.
- The best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. CDC recommends pertussis vaccination for everyone.
- After exposure to the bacteria, it typically takes 5-10 days (sometimes as long as 21 days) before symptoms appear. Exposed persons should monitor for symptoms for 21 days, regardless of vaccination status.
- As a general rule, you can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases by washing hands frequently, covering nose and mouth with tissues when coughing or sneezing, not going to school or work when sick, and not sharing eating utensils, toothbrushes, cups, drinking glasses, or water bottles.
- The CDC supports post-exposure antibiotic treatment to persons within 21 days of exposure to an infectious pertussis case who are at high risk of severe illness or who have contact with a person at high risk of severe illness (regardless of immunization status). These include:
- Infants (under 12 months) and women in their third trimester of pregnancy:
- Persons with pre-existing health conditions that may be worsened by a pertussis infection.
- Contacts who themselves have close contact with either infants, pregnant people, or those with pre-existing health conditions.
For additional information, please visit:
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Lewis and Clark Public Health Nurses at 406-457-8900.
Immigration and the Schools
Recent news headlines and social media posts regarding Immigration activities and the new guidelines allowing agents to conduct enforcement at schools and churches have prompted a few questions from the community. Here’s what I can share with you at this time:
- Our schools have always had a positive relationship of cooperation and mutual support with law enforcement agencies,
- It is highly unlikely that ICE or other federal agents will seek to conduct activities or raids at our schools, but it remains a possibility so we consulted MT School Boards Association for guidance.
- The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act prohibits school officials from sharing personally identifying information with anyone including law enforcement without an appropriate court order on hand,
- Montana state law prohibits anyone from interfering or obstructing a peace officer or public servant in the line of their official duties.
The bottom line is that as mentioned above, an immigration raid at one of the schools is highly unlikely, and we will continue to protect student privacy and information as we always have and are required to do by state and federal law. If a search warrant or other court order is produced by agents at a school site, every effort will be made to contact parents and encourage agents to conduct their work off campus and away from children. The schools are not interested in being pawns or players in these activities, and will follow legal advice and comply with the law.
If you have questions or concerns about specific situations, please contact me or your school’s principal to follow up.
Senior All Night Party Information
Did you know the Helena Senior All Night Party is a regional event for all high school graduates in the area? The Senior All Night Party is not sponsored by any school district. It is its own 501c3 and graduates from public and private schools in the Helena Area are invited to attend. Parent volunteers are needed to help organize the party and help out. If you’re interested in getting involved, you can email or call or text Aimee Grmoljez Shanight at 406-459-5958. Sponsors and prizes donations are also needed.
Pottery Class Offered
***All participants must be 16 years or older and cannot be a current student***
Instructor - Victoria Curtiss -
Course Description
- Pottery students will learn basic techniques of handbuilding and wheel throwing. Beginners to Advanced are welcome to have fun and learn something new. Cost is $60 for materials that the instructor will provide. No outside clay or glazes will be used, we will stick to the same materials that are used in the space already.
Course Dates
- Monday Nights from February 24th - April 22nd from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
- 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14 - No class 3/24 due to Spring Break
- Class size maximum is 20
Course Location
- East Helena High School - Pottery Room #133
Course Cost
- $20/resident or $30/nonresident plus any additional costs for materials.
- $60 for materials. Instructor will provide materials once payment is collected. Payment is due at the first class.
- Please visit: or scan the QR code below.
(Repeated item) Non Resident Applications
The East Helena School system is home to more than 200 non resident students whose parents live outside EHPS boundaries but choose to bring their kids here for their education. New legislation and Board Policy has changed the landscape and rules about non resident attendance agreements. If your children attend EHPS on a non resident agreement, It’s a good idea to review Board Policy 3141. Here are some key pieces to keep in mind:
- A new application must be submitted every year,
- Admission is approved on an annual basis - There is not a year to year guarantee.
- Get your application in as soon after January 1 as possible.
- You can find the tuition application here.
- Send your application to Jen Cordell at Central Office.
- Our procedure requires the Board to consider class sizes and quality education for resident children.
- There is a priority that considers staff children and students with other siblings in the district ahead of other applications.
- Free/reduced Lunch Form
- To submit an online application do the following:
- 1. Click on the link: Free & Reduced Lunch Online Application
- 2. Click the RED Get started Button
- 3. Follow the prompts - you will receive and emailed response after your application has been reviewed
- Bus Routes (UPDATED!)
Dear EHPS Parents,
Here’s your update from Superintendent Rispens.
Help Wanted!!!!!
The East Helena Public Schools is a great place to work! Our employees have the incredible honor of working to create a positive environment for the children of East Helena to develop their full potential. We are always looking for good people to come and help kids succeed. Right now we have openings for:
- classroom paraprofessionals,
- kitchen help (Food Service),
- substitutes, and
- custodians.
Even if you cannot commit to a full schedule, we want to talk to you if you’re interested in helping out. Stop by Central Office or give us a call at 406-227-7700 for more information. You can find our application materials online at:
Speech and Debate Judges Needed
EHHS Speech and Debate is looking to fill a few last spots for our Divisional tournament 1/25.
We especially need judges at 12, 2, and 4:30.
We offer an online training (link below), as well as in person training 1/14 and 1/21 at 5:00 at EHHS.
Please consider signing up, or if you know of people who may be interested, forward this message on! Thank you!
Questions? email Jon Moore at
PowerSchool Data Breach Update
You may have heard yesterday about a data breach at PowerSchool. We are no longer a PowerSchool district but we did use their software for many years and were concerned about any of our teacher, student or parent information being compromised. Our IT staff have reached out to Powerschool and verified that none of our old data was affected.
Superintendent column from HelenaIR
I am reprinting this column that was published Tuesday in the HelenaIR in case you don’t have a subscription.
Dear EHPS Parents,
Here’s an update from Superintendent Rispens
Parent Teacher Conferences
We just wrapped up the first quarter of school and are ready for parent teacher conferences in our schools. This is a chance for teachers and parents to connect and discuss progress in the school year thus far. As a parent myself, I have to admit, I sometimes looked at PT Conferences as yet one more thing I had to do, but from the school’s perspective, this is a very important opportunity to build that important relationship between school and home. When teachers and parents are working together towards a common goal of helping a child or young person learn and grow, it is one of the most powerful dynamics I have ever witnessed. The most effective teachers are masters at communicating and helping parents know what they can do at home to support their child’s learning. And parents who get involved and support the learning process are showing their children they value them and their education. I hope you’re able to be involved in the conference process in a positive, productive fashion. It is a key part of our ongoing effort to connect with parents in meaningful ways to support kids.
Reunification Drill Check in
I want to thank all EHPS parents for supporting our recent reunification drill on Friday November 1. In this drill we worked through the process of connecting kids with their parents after a school event that required a relocation to another site. We asked parents to show up at EVMS and EHHS to pick up their Radley and PPE students at random times throughout the afternoon Friday and you showed up!! This helped us test our systems. If a real emergency were to occur, we want to be prepared to get all students to their families and homes safely and securely, and it was important to test our systems and protocols. We learned a lot and are gathering feedback. Please feel free to shoot an email to Jen Cordell if you have comments or suggestions. She will gather the feedback and share it with administrators and the Safety Committee.
Apples vs. Donuts Basketball
We are proud to host the second annual Apples Vs. Donuts basketball fundraiser. This fun event pits teachers against officers and staff from the Lewis and Clark County Sheriff's Office in a basketball game in the EHHS gym. The event benefits the Lewis and Clark Sheriff's Community Foundation which helps fund programs such as DARE Camp and Heroes and Helpers. There will be a "Chuck a Duck" at halftime. You’ll have to attend to find out what that’s all about! The game is November 20 at 6:30 PM in the EHHS gym. See you there!
Christmas Stroll
It's time to mark your calendars for the East Helena Christmas Stroll scheduled for December 5, 2024. This partnership between the City of East Helena, local businesses, and the school system provides a wonderful kick-off to the Christmas season. As you stroll up and down Main Street, you’ll feel like you just stepped into a Lifetime Movie, “Mistletoe in Montana.” Businesses will be open with special offerings. Our students will be putting their talents on display in the Radley gym with Holiday music and performances. Crafters will be offering their products. All are invited to come and celebrate the Holiday season.
Free/reduced Lunch Form
To submit an online application do the following:
1. Click on the link: Free & Reduced Lunch Online Application
2. Click the RED Get started Button
3. Follow the prompts - you will receive and emailed response after your application has been reviewed
Dan Rispens, District Superintendent
Questions or Concerns? Student and staff health safety is our top priority at East Helena Public Schools. If you have a question, concern, or comment about any health or safety issue, please let us know by calling (406) 227-7700.